• Our Mission

  • At Shakti4Kids, our mission is to ignite the spark of curiosity, creativity, and connection in every child. We strive to create transformative experiences that nurture the holistic development of young minds, fostering resilience, empathy, and a deep love for learning.
  • Our Vision

  • Our vision is to cultivate a generation of mindful, empowered individuals who are inspired to make a positive impact on the world around them!
  • And We Believe…

  • Children thrive when given the freedom to pursue their interests through play.
  • Play serves as the optimal avenue for authentic and meaningful learning experiences.
  • Learning is holistic, encompassing emotional, social, physical, spiritual, and intellectual dimensions, intertwined with the natural world.
  • Children flourish in diverse, inclusive learning environments where their voices are valued, fostering confidence and self-determination.
  • Encouraging children to take risks and set their own challenges nurtures their development into capable, resilient individuals.
  • Understanding and appreciating the natural world is fundamental for children's well-being and the sustainability of humanity's future.

Our vision is to cultivate a generation of mindful, empowered individuals who are inspired to make a positive impact on the world around them!

Conscious Kids

Core Values

Love & Compassion

Playfulness & innocence

Awareness & mindfulness

Soverveinity & empowerment

Learning & growth

Connection & respect

Sustainability & Creativity

Responsibility & balance

What We Do…

Shakti4Kids offers immersive programs and experiences designed to empower children to explore, learn, and grow.

Through a blend of experiential learning, creative expression, and connection with nature, we provide opportunities for children to discover their unique strengths, passions, and potential.

From engaging workshops to enriching camps, our programs are crafted to inspire curiosity, foster creativity, and instill values of mindfulness, compassion, and respect.

Our Kind of Fun…

Arts & Music Therapy

Arts & Music Therapy

for creative self-expression

Dance, Movement & Circus play

Dance, Movement & Circus play

to build confidence

Sustainable Building & Environmental Awareness

Sustainable Building & Environmental Awareness

for a better planet

Robotics & Fun Sciences

Robotics & Fun Sciences

to foster a sense of curiosity

Conscious Cooking & Life Skills

Conscious Cooking & Life Skills

to build independence

Healthy Organic Meals

Healthy Organic Meals

encouraging body awareness

Hiking, Camping & Free Play in Nature

Hiking, Camping & Free Play in Nature

to build resilience & problem-solving skills

Yoga, Mindfulness & Emotional Well-being

Yoga, Mindfulness & Emotional Well-being

to balance mind, body, emotions & soul

Engaging with local artisans & farmers

Engaging with local artisans & farmers

to foster a sense of community

What makes Shakti4kids so unique, you ask?

Can you keep a secret?

What sets Shakti4Kids apart is our commitment to holistic development, personalized attention, and fostering a supportive community.

Our philosophy is inspired by the principles and approaches of Montessori, forest school, holistic development, and gentle parenting, weaving together the best practices from each to create a unique and enriching experience for children.

We recognize that every child is a unique individual with their own talents, interests, and needs. Our programs are designed to honor and celebrate each child's individuality, providing a safe and nurturing environment where they can thrive and flourish.

With a team of dedicated educators, dreamers, and collaborators, we strive to create memorable experiences that leave a lasting impact on the lives of children and families.